
Answers To Frequently Asked Questions About Car Insurance

Is Filing A Post-Accident Police Report Mandatory?

Yes, if you intend to file a claim with your insurance provider. It’s also a good idea to file a report if more than one driver was involved in the accident so that you have proof about what happened and the extent of injuries sustained if any.

Will The Car Be Declared Totaled After The Accident?

Your car will be totaled if the cost of repairing it is higher than its actual value. Several states have very specific formulae to calculate this. Others may consider percentages to declare a car totaled.

What To Do After A Total Loss Accident?

Start by contacting your agent and locating your title. Speak to your agent about what you can do to speed up the claims process to get your money as fast as possible. Follow the recommended steps, as suggested by your insurance agent.

How Are Single-Car Accidents Handled?

Single-car accidents are usually considered to be at-fault accidents. When you file a claim, you will get an at-fault accident surcharge when you renew your insurance.

Who Pays For An At-Fault Claim?

Determine how much the damage costs, count your deductible, and the at-fault accident surcharge amount. Compare these three numbers and see whether it’s worthwhile to file a claim or pay out-of-pocket.

What To Do In Case Of Multiple Insurance Claims?

This is usually not good. Most preferred insurance carriers non-renew policies for two at-fault accidents by the same driver in a three-year period. They also add surcharges if three or more comprehensive claims are filed in a three-year period. But it depends from provider to provider.

What If Someone Gets Into An Accident After Borrowing My Car?

Insurance policies that list the car will cover the damage to the car. Some liability coverage is extended too, but it may fall on the driver’s policy if the limit is too low. At-fault surcharges get added to the vehicle owner’s car insurance policy.

Are Repairs Mandatory After A Claim?

If you have a loan on the car and want full coverage, then yes. If not, and you own the vehicle outright, then it’s up to you.