
Can Air Purifiers Help Asthma Symptoms

Air purifiers are portable air cleaners that filter and trap pollutants from the air inside your home, also sanitizing the air that comes through it. A popular type of air purifier is an ionizing air purifier, which uses an electric field to trap particles.

An air purifier is different from an air filter. Both devices can trap and filter out pollutants, but only an air purifier can sanitize the air.

An air filter can be part of a heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system, or even be portable. Several kinds of filters may be used in these devices, like washable, disposable or HEPA ones.

Air Purifier vs. Humidifier

Both air purifiers and filters are different from humidifiers. These add moisture to the air to prevent dryness and don’t have any effect on allergens or other environmental triggers of asthma. They may still help you breathe more easily.

Can Purifiers Help With Asthma?

An air purifier can take environmental triggers out of your home by trapping them in the filter. It works by bringing in air and trapping these small particles, then releasing the clean air. An air purifier also sanitizes the air around it. Air purifiers are effective in helping relieve asthma symptoms, especially for children and may be better at getting rid of some allergens, like smoke, but are less effective at reducing other allergens, like animal dander.

Exactly How Well An Air Purifier Can Help With Asthma Symptoms Depends On:

  • Airflow rate
  • Design of the filter
  • Allergen particles sizes
  • Purifier’s location

There Are Also Other Ways To Help Reduce Allergens In Your Home:

  • Using air conditioners.
  • Cleaning damp areas to prevent mold from forming in areas like the bathroom.
  • Cleaning other areas for dust; wear a mask to protect yourself.
  • Dust-proof covers on your mattress and pillows.
  • Wash your bedding.
  • Vacuum once a week using a high-quality vacuum.
  • Get rid of things that can trap allergens like carpets.
  • Keep your windows closed during pollen season if you don’t have air conditioning.
  • Groom or bath your pets regularly to reduce dander.

Avoiding any environmental allergens that trigger your asthma symptoms is an important part of managing asthma, and there is proof that air purifiers can help get rid of these allergens.

If you use an air purifier for asthma, ensure it’s able to trap the small particles, and can both filter and sanitize the air.