
Easy Techniques to Improve Breathing and Prevent Shortness of Breath

One experiences shortness of breath or dyspnea when they cannot breathe in a sufficient amount of air. The condition can indicate significant problems such as lung cancer or cardiac issues. However, most times, dyspnea occurs due to strenuous exercise or anxiety. Inactivity or being in high altitudes can also cause shortness of breath.

If the feeling of insufficient oxygen is frequently accompanied by fever, chest pain and tightness, wheezing, and/or swollen ankles and feet, one must seek medical help. Even if the feeling is inconsistent, a healthcare professional must evaluate the root cause.

The following techniques can be effective remedies for shortness of breath.

Change Body Positions

Whether one experiences shortness of breath during the day or night, changing one’s body position may boost overall breathing quality. During the day, after sitting down and leaning forward, one should rest their elbows on their knees while keeping the feet flat. If sitting down isn’t feasible, lean against a wall.

At night, placing pillows underneath the neck and knees could be effective. Side sleepers can put an extra pillow between the knees and keep their head elevated.

Pursed Lip Breathing

Breathe through the nostrils gently to fill the lungs naturally. Then, exhale through the mouth slowly while keeping the lips pursed. This can help keep the heart rate down and facilitate relaxation. One can also practice pursed-lip breathing by relaxing the muscles and shoulders after sitting on a chair and placing the feet on the ground. Feel the belly while inhaling slowly through the nostrils for two counts – keep the lips pursed when doing this. Exhale normally but not in a forced way. Repeat until breathing slows down.

Cool Down the Surroundings

When the cause behind shortness of breath is related to heat or exercise, the surrounding environment should be cooled down. Using a handheld fan can be effective in some cases. However, it may worsen symptoms if the shortness of breath one is experiencing is related to major health conditions. Allergens and pollutants can also be eliminated with better airflow.

Get Moving

Shortness of breath can be a struggle for those who are overweight or obese as it causes added pressure on their lungs and chest. Additionally, sudden cardio activity may also have the same effect. One can work on their endurance by taking baby steps to build their stamina.

Humidify the Air

The airways can be cleared by inhaling steam or humidified air. If a humidifier is too big an investment, there are great at-home methods, such as taking a hot shower and breathing via leaning over a bowl of boiling water infused with peppermint or eucalyptus, that can help.