
Here’s How Seniors Can Restore Their Smiles

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There are some things that help boost one’s self-esteem. Having a bright, confident smile is one of them. According to a survey, 7 out of 10 people feel self-conscious about their teeth. Another survey suggests that more than a quarter of people don’t like smiling because of how their teeth look.

Getting older doesn’t mean having to lose that smile. Here are some dental procedure options that can help:

Teeth Aligners

Looking for an easy way to straighten teeth without high maintenance braces? Consider teeth aligners. They can gradually straighten crooked teeth without using harsh wires or brackets. In addition, aligners can be removed at will since they’re not anchored to the teeth.

Aligners are small enough to be worn discreetly, so no one will notice. They’re a great option for seniors with minor spacing problems or moderately crowded teeth.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are an excellent way to replace missing teeth in seniors. Dentists perform dental implant procedures by setting a titanium screw into the jaw. The screw is placed so the jaw tissues will grow around it and keep it in one place. Post this, the dentist will cover the implant with a crown.

A dental implant procedure benefits those who wish to preserve the structural integrity of their natural teeth. Plus, unlike dentures and bridges, implants blend with the jawbone, cause no bone damage, and stay intact.

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain fillings offer a robust, natural-looking solution for teeth that have become weakened. They are perfect for protecting decayed and heavily restored teeth. One can use them to fill gaps between teeth, improve the shape and color of teeth, and make the arch broader for a fuller smile.

Cosmetic Bonding

Over time, many people develop stained teeth or live with chipped ones. To tackle this issue and maintain a healthy smile, cosmetic dentists often apply composite material over their patients’ teeth. These composites may also be used for minor teeth-shaping procedures. Cosmetic bonding is painless and faster than some dental procedures. Most patients don’t need any anesthesia, and they get results instantly.