
How Important Is Auto Rental Insurance?

Here are some things to know about what to do if you damage a rental car, about auto rental insurance and its importance.

Any Damage To The Vehicle Is On You

If you don’t have auto rental insurance, even if you were using the car to save orphans from a burning building, the rental company is going to hold you liable for any damage to the vehicle. The loss damage waiver included in the umbrella insurance offered by the rental car company should be the one you consider. This part of the insurance covers vehicular damage.

Know The Coverage Provided By Your Insurance

Before you rent a vehicle, check your personal car insurance and the insurance offered by your credit card.  Supplement whatever is not covered by these insurances, through the rental agency’s insurance.

If your personal car insurance is comprehensive and offers liability, you may not need to purchase supplemental insurance. Verify the same with your insurance company.

Credit card rental car insurance may be of two types—primary or secondary. Primary insurance is the first line of defense in case anything happens to your rental car. Secondary insurance means you’ll first have to contact your personal car insurance company and file a claim, after which your credit card company may help you in the process.

Have Copies Of Everything

When you file your claim, the benefits administrators are going to ask you for several things that you may not even know existed. Get copies of every document along the way to have it ready if any authority asks for it.

Have Proof In The Form Of Pictures

It is always a good idea to have lots of before and after pictures of your rental vehicle in the event of an accident. This protects you from the company charging for those damages to the vehicle for which you aren’t responsible.

Reject The Arbitration Provision

When you rent a car through some companies, irrespective of what is your preference, you agree to private arbitration if there’s a dispute. This means that during an arbitration process, among other things, you will not be allowed to make meaningful appeals. Additionally, the process is usually heavily in favor of the corporation. Inquire with the rental agency if there is a way you can reject this provision, and if there is, how you can do so.