
Know The Early Signs Of Cancer

Globally, cancer is one of the leading causes of premature death and it can sometimes develop without warning. The majority of cases have warning signs and the earlier you detect possible signs of cancer, the better your chances of survival.

Symptoms Include:

Weight Loss

Your body may respond to cancer by losing weight and in fact, this may be the very first sign of cancer. Unexplained weight loss that comes on suddenly can be a sign of esophageal, lung, stomach and pancreatic cancer.


Fever is the body’s usual response to an infection or illness and for those with cancer, it’s usually a sign that the cancer has spread or that it’s in an advanced stage.

Blood Loss

Some cancers may cause unusual bleeding, like colon or rectal cancer causing bloody stools, while blood in the urine may be a symptom of prostate or bladder cancer.

Pain And Tiredness

Extreme, unexplained fatigue may be another symptom of cancer and is one of the most common symptoms. Tiredness is very prominent in leukemia, and fatigue can also be related to blood loss from other cancers.

In some cancers that have spread, or metastasized, pain is a symptom.

Persistent Cough

Coughing can happen for any number of reasons; it is your body’s natural way of getting rid of unwanted substances. Reasons like colds, allergies, the flu, or even low humidity levels can lead to a cough but when it comes to lung cancer, the cough can persist for a long time despite remedies.

This cough may be frequent, and can cause hoarseness, and as the disease progresses, you may even cough up blood.

A persistent cough can also sometimes be a symptom of thyroid cancer.

Skin Changes

Skin changes are often linked to skin cancer, like moles or warts changing or enlarging. Certain skin changes may also sometimes indicate other forms of cancer.

White spots in the mouth may indicate oral cancer while lumps or bumps underneath the skin can be tumors, such as in breast cancer.

Changes In Digestion

Some cancers can cause problems with eating, such as difficulty swallowing, indigestion, nausea, vomiting, bloating changes in appetite, or pain after eating.

Trouble with swallowing can be linked to different cancers of the head, neck and esophageal cancer.

Night Sweats

Night sweats can also be linked to the earlier stages of several cancers, from leukemia to lymphoma to liver cancer.