Tech & Gadgets

The Incredible Things You Can Do With 5G

The hype around 5G has been building for a couple of years now. But we’re finally starting to see real evidence about how 5G will change our lives.

Remote Surgery

The biggest benefit of 5G, apart from its speed, is its low latency. Latency is the lag time between a device pinging the network and getting a response. 5G virtually, but not entirely, eliminates latency. It means that surgeons need not be in the same room as the patient. They could use a VR headset and a special glove to control a robot arm that performs the actual operation elsewhere.

Tactile Internet

Haptic feedback, like what will be used in the surgery, will allow the transmission of tactile sensations allowing the enhancement of the sights and sounds of the video. Haptic feedback built into a chair could put you in the driver’s seat of a car 50km away. And you’ll feel every bump in the road.

Self-Driving Cars

A fully autonomous vehicle will not be possible without a 5G network. An instantly responsive and vast network will allow 5G to talk to cars and sensors built around the city, including those in street lamps and gas stations. It will radically affect urban design and technology.


5G will unleash the real capability of drones. It will allow for precise control while sending back high definition video.

Virtual Reality

VR is trending. Samsung is pushing new hardware and preparing to use it to its full capacity with 5G. It allows chatting in real-time while live-streaming virtual worlds. Expect game arcades to return, but equipped with VR.

Awesome Connections

5G may be able to guarantee amazingly dependable connections for mission-critical businesses and applications. 5G networks will also be able to extend those guarantees to individuals, but of course, at a price.

Broadband At Home

5G as a replacement for the traditional home internet service is coming soon. Phones will obviously get 5G, and several carriers around the world are teasing its launch soon. Companies like Samsung and Motorola have also started pushing out 5G compatible hardware to prepare for the inevitable launch of this blazing fast connection. One thing is certain, 5G is going to be about a lot more than just speed.