
What Are the Warning Signs of Prostate Cancer?

Prostate cancer is a major form of cancer among men. Although it rarely causes symptoms in the early stages, it’s important to be vigilant and aware of all the warning signs of prostate cancer. Discovering this condition early on will help the healthcare provider make an accurate prognosis and recommend an effective treatment plan. Remember these warning signs of prostate cancer.

Abnormal Urine Flow

Men usually notice a decline in their urinary function as they age, and many men with prostate enlargement do not develop cancer or even see the decline as a problem. Still, if one experiences a slow or weak urine flow, or if urine flow starts and stops beyond one’s ability to control it, get it checked by a doctor.

Frequent Urge to Urinate

When a prostate tumor begins to put pressure on the bladder, a patient may experience frequent urination and an uncomfortable sensation of needing to urinate.

Burning Urination

Dysuria—a condition characterized by painful urination—can be a symptom of an infection, but it can also indicate the presence of prostate cancer.

Blood in Urine

A doctor may suspect prostate cancer in a patient who reports hematuria or blood in the urine. Though it could be due to an infection in the urinary tract, a prostate exam is often warranted.

Prostate Pain

Signs of prostate trouble can include pain in the area of the prostate, especially when sitting. But it might be a symptom of both prostate infections and cancer. Only a urologist can distinguish between these possibilities.

Lack of Bowel or Bladder Control

Urinary and fecal incontinence can be related to age or caused by other medical conditions. Bladder leakage may indicate the presence of prostate cancer. And fecal incontinence may indicate underlying issues with the digestive system. If prostate cancer is behind this condition, treatment can be initiated immediately.

Ejaculation Troubles

One should seek medical help if they experience any of the following symptoms: lower volume of ejaculation, pain while ejaculating, blood in the semen, and inability to have an erection.

Numbness or Pain

Prostate cancer may cause discomfort in the lower back, hips, chest, or numbness in the legs or feet. Although most people receive a diagnosis before these symptoms appear, pain and numbness can also be symptoms of other health issues.